The Baby Einstein Legacy

Anyone in the 2000s zone will remember Baby Einstein and its other videos. Baby Einstein and its company was created by Julie Aigner Clark in 1996. Before Baby Einstein, Julie was a teacher and was eventually a stay-at-home mom with two daughters, Aspen and Sierra. Julie wanted her daughters to be exposed with classical music, poetry, shapes, colors, toys and so on. Julie and her husband borrowed some video equipment and invested over $15,000 of their savings to produce what would be called none other, than Baby Einstein. The company was founded in 1996 in Alpharetta, Georgia, and, at that time, was known as I Think I Can Productions. It would later be renamed to Aigner-Clark Productions, and then in 1999, would be renamed to The Baby Einstein Company. It grew from $1 million in 1998, to $25 million in 2001. For two years, The Baby Einstein Company was owned by Family Home Entertainment.  In 2001, Disney acquired the company for an undisclosed amount. The next year, Julie stopped directing the videos. It was also the inspiration to Playhouse Disney’s very own Little Einsteins, which The Baby Einstein Company helped produce. In 2006, The Baby Einstein Company was sued due to a scandal. The Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood act filed a complaint with the United States Federal Trade Commission against the company due to what they believe, was false advertising. Julie was invited to attend the 2007 State of the Union address from President Bush. Then, in 2008, came Einstein Pals, targeted for toddlers’ age. Six episodes were said to be produced, but unfortunately, it never saw the light of day. The same year, Julie hosted a 10-year-anniversary party for Baby Einstein. The company being named after Albert Einstein, royalties were paid to the licensing company Corbis (now called BENlabs) who compensate the Einstein estate. In 2013, Disney sold Baby Einstein to Kids II, Inc., who were longtime licensees of Baby Einstein.  

Join me in this adventure, in some lost media, some journey digging, behind the toys, puppet biographies, interviews, and more. Okay Bard, Vincent, Jane, Pavlov, and Rudy, do your thing!
